Chinese herbs have been a reliable skin treatment for thousands of years.

Skin diseases are stubborn, chronic and frustrating because conventional skin treatment never addresses their root causes. Symptoms of the skin always show that something is wrong on the inside.

People who have struggled for years with skin problems know that topical creams are not enough. The itchy rashes, redness, unquenchable dryness, discomfort, inflammation and unsightliness always come back. It seems as though the symptoms have a life of their own, progressing through ebbs and flows of flare-up and improvement but never fully going away.

But there IS a logical solution:


Chinese Herbs contain potent anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, immune balancing and nourishing substances. They have provided effective skin treatment for thousands of years, and can often bring about a permanent cure.

I am a qualified herbalist practicing in Ontario, Canada, and on this site I will show you how Chinese Herbs, taken internally, can treat many eczema types, fungal skin infections, vitiligo, alopecia areata, psoriasis, hives, rosacea and many more dermatological problems.

The Effective Skin Treatment blog keeps you up to date with new info as we post it to our website, as well as any hot off the press discoveries about the power of Chinese herbs to heal skin diseases.
Causes of eczema explained by Chinese Medicine
Understanding the four main causes of eczema will help you find a permanent solution.
Nummular Eczema is easy to treat with Chinese Herbs
Get rid of the weeping, itchy patches of nummular eczema by treating it from the inside out.
Blisters on feet can be due to eczema, psoriasis, or fungal infections
Uncomfortable blisters on feet are easily treated with Chinese herbs
See Pictures of Eczema before and after Chinese Herbal Treatment
Look at pictures of eczema in its different forms and find out how to finally get rid of it.
Chinese Herbal Skin Treatment is highly effective
Chinese Herbs can treat eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, vitiligo and fungal skin infections
Contact the Herbalist, about your skin problem
Ask us how Chinese herbs can cure your eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and other skin diseases
Psoriasis causes: find out from a herbal skin specialist
Did you know that psoriasis causes vary from person to person? This individualized diagnosis is the key to a cure. Visit our specialized skin site to find out more.
See pictures of psoriasis before and after Chinese herbal treatment
Case pictures of psoriasis show that treating FROM THE INSIDE, works.
Blisters on hands are usually a sign of "pompholyx eczema"
Blisters on hands can be reliably cured with Chinese Herbs